"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten." -G.K.Chesterton

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Attentive Warrior

"The Lord is my shield, the Lord is my armor.  The Lord is my sword and my shield of righteousness.  Heaven is my chair, earth is my footstool.  You ordain my steps. Where you go I will go.  Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, the enemy is defeated, He has the victory, He has conquered..." 

This was the song I was woken by today.  I heard these words mingled with the tapping rhythm of a little ones hands as he sung the words above.  I wondered, "is he listening to something?  How could he be... the computer is not turned on."  His song must have gone on for ten minutes.

The song of this six year olds little heart. 

As I opened up facebook today, I saw this quote by Matt Redman;

"Most songs come from being attentive. Attentive to life, attentive to scripture, attentive to your heart. Pay attention!"
As I read that, I said, "yes!"  This is exactly what Seth was being, this morning.  His heart was listening.  His heart was responding.  His heart was full of a spontaneous, even might I say, a "prophetic" moment of declarative and victorious worship.  Worship that sets all of us free, if we "pay attention!"
These spontaneous moments with Seth usually happen in the mornings, when he first wakes.  It reveals to me a window of his heart.  Maybe even a window into what he may have dreamed that night.  Since he was four, he has had many dreams.  Some, full of evil.  Some, full of light. 
He is learning how to battle against that evil.  Learning how to walk in the light of His Word and Worship, and that the Blood of Jesus and knowing his armor, are some of His most powerful weapons.  He loves to draw pictures of the armor of God.  All these things, that he is learning... fill my heart with joy when I hear them declared in his own, battle song.  But, they have also come by way of having to learn them, so as to learn and know how to wage against the schemes of the enemy.  Not exactly what every mommy plans to teach their little ones by age four. 
But, perhaps that is exactly what we should be teaching them... 'for we do not wage war against flesh and Blood," Paul tells us in Ephesians 6. 
It is one thing to tell your child, teach your child, model to your child, ... things of the Spirit... things of the Kingdom of Heaven.  It is a deeply humbling and honorable thing to hear your child declare all on his own, the very things you have both waged war through.  To hear his heart pour forth speech and song, revealing the true identity of who he is, within. 

My worship warrior.
Is he still just a playful, full of energy, not always listening, wonder and joy, six year old little boy?  Absolutely!  But we are learning how to weep, together.  Pray, together.  Mourn and rejoice, together.  Hope and declare together.  How to wage war.  How to move mountains... all while splashing in mud puddles, eating cookie dough from the hand beaters, blowing bubbles in our juice, and slurping up our favorite garlic chicken and pasta. 
Isn't this the mingling of Heaven on earth?  Life with Him and in Him? 
Yes!  These are the songs we need to be attentive to.  The life we need to be attentive to.  The scripture's we need to be attentive to. 
It is our heart we most importantly need to be attentive to.  For it is the wellspring of life. 
Thank you, Father... for leading our son into the places that are most important, to be attentive.  May I learn a song or two from him, as well. 
And may we all, pay attention!