"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten." -G.K.Chesterton

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sacred Construction

"Look Mommy, an Excavator, a Bulldozer, and a Backhoe, Mommy.  Can you even believe it Mommy!" stated Seth in a jubilant exaltation!  

My little boy is very much, all about Construction Trucks these days.  Every where we go, we are seeing them.  You know how it is when you get a new car, you suddenly see "your" car, everywhere.  

I was on my way to an appointment, alone.  Though not often do I go anywhere alone, when I do - it's a time of uninterrupted thought, reflection, and worship.  A time where; a deep breath- is good for the soul.  

I had been breathing in a deep breath of worship, playing a song on repeat by Mathew West called, "The Reason For The World".  It's an amazing song about just that, making sense of the things that happen in the world we live.  Leading us ultimately into a realization that, we long for Home.  Home being Heaven.  I was pondering how much I have longed for Heaven; decades now.  How tragedy's have a way of setting your perspectives on higher ground.  How just as quickly as the traffic raced past me, fading into my rear view mirror, so memories raced by my minds eye. However, I wish memories disappeared just as quickly.

Though the sky was that of a summer blue, the air outside was clearly not that of summer, but rather seeking permission for the arrival of winter, as it lay at the edge of it's coming.  Life...does not take such steps.  It does not slowly emerge.  It just comes.  It waits not- for you to gently ease into such things.  It simply ...arrives.  

As I considered the destination of which I was going to arrive at this morning, I began to notice many Construction Trucks all around me.  Echoing in my heart, "Can you even believe it Mommy!".  And in that quiet moment of reflection, I heard it again, only it wasn't my little boys voice I heard, but rather the voice of the Holy Spirit..."Can you even believe it, Dawn?  Look, ...that is what I say when I see the construction work of my children going on.  When I see the 'trucks' of life coming at them, the Excavator of eradication and all that hinders one from fully coming alive.  The Front End Loader coming to scoop away that which has been chiseled, after the Bulldozer first did it's job of plowing out all that was destroying me.  Friendships that were unhealthy. The dirt of derailed and daunting decisions left behind.  The Crane Truck of which had the wrecking ball effects of poor discernment.  Can you even believe it, Dawn!  Because, what I see Dawn...is not the torn up Construction site, but rather the restored site.  The fully alive, breathing life site, that has come to it's fullest potential."

 And then, just as Seth asks; the Holy Spirit asks me, "See it Dawn, see it!"  Like my little boy, with longing- Jesus looks and asks, do you see it? Really see it?  

And then I felt the Holy Spirit ask, like when you buy that new car... do you see it everywhere?  Not just in your own life, but in the life of others too? Do you see the beauty of the construction in the lives around you?  Do you see beyond the trucks of tragic trauma, into the places where, foundations are laid, cemented in, like a Cement Truck pours cement,...firming up that which cannot be shaken?  Do you see... the way I am forming and making what seems like an excavation of enormous magnitude of the enemy's making, and taking what was stolen and giving it back, miraculously beyond what could or would have been before?  Do you see Dawn, how with great joy, delight and freedom, I AM?  That I too, am moving among this construction site of your life, with immeasurable longing, patience, pursuit, that none would perish, so that my healing, deliverance and redemptive restoration might fall forward to all who hear, see, listen...?  

Then He asks me,"Do you want to see more?  Be a player in the in the story of all that I am doing not just around you but through you as well?  I don't need you, true!  But oh...how I love to use my creation, to reveal all of who I AM!  Can you even believe it, Dawn?" 

As I sat there just about to get out of my car, having arrived to my destination, I mused a moment...what will I have to go through, before I arrive at my eternal destination?  Can I see it through the lens of; all I've been given in this short drive today?  Can I say it with the jubilation that Seth did?  See, the thing is...we don't always get the blueprints of what the site is being torn up for...what is being built.  Unless we look...eternally.  And it's this view...that I long for more of.

Dear Holy Spirit,

Wow...you really do know me don't you.  I did not expect such an intimate moment, on such a normal kind of day.  But, you don't see as I do.  You see perfectly, while I see...dimly.  You see what I can't see.  And yet; you invite me to come close,...you invite me to see, listen, hear, all that You are doing. You invite me to also, play a role...in the work that you are doing in others.  This is nothing less than humbling for me.

I have had some pretty major construction work going on for a long time now.  I'm humbled all the time, that you are continuing your promise, fulfilling it..."I will bring to completion, the good work which I begun".  Thank you. Thank you for Your patience with me. 

And Father, please draw near to ___________ who is going through a very intense excavating experience, as well.  Show me, how I can be used in that site.  Help me rightly usher in the privilege of what you want to do, to help them come fully alive through it.

I pray Holy Spirit, while in the midst of my own

I would not be concerned with how long it will take,

or what I can't control,

or what I see as it's happening. 

But rather remember...every truck of transformation has a role to play.
Just as I have a role to play.  

When all the digging, pushing, scraping, and excavating is going on, I pray I would be enveloped by Your intimate presence.  And help me most, while standing in a world longing for home, 

to see the eternal.

So that I can say in response; "Can you even believe it!" and rest in all around me, coming fully alive. 

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